Friday, June 18, 2010

so today i told you about clubpenguin. Well later next month i will have a party for both pixie hollow and club penguin. It will be 7/??/10 talk later

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Hey. It is day two of this blog. We will need help so please help by either this blog and commment on the most recent blogpost that you wanna help and leave your email address so i can ask you questios. The other way is to just email me your real name your caracters name and anything else.
please tell. Your friends.
post later, Seth Copprfeild
Welcome to my blog..... This blog is for you and them. Some games i play are; pirates of the caribbean, club penguin, toontown, and yes pixie hollow.
Let me tell you about the games.
Pirates of the Caribbean: its like the movie. It has all the characters and it is a war type game.
. Club penguin is an on line world where you can make friends, talk, play games and buy stuff.(members can get everything.)
. Toontown is just like club penguin but you are not a penguin. You are "toons".
. Pixie hollow is for boys and girls. What you do is play games fly around and make friends. You can also make up to 3 or 4 pixies.
. If you wanna learn more just tell me at Or right here on the blog. Please tell all of your friends and come back to my blog.
ill post more later, seth copperfeild :0)